Friday, April 27, 2012

How Google Streetview Can Help Indie Filmmakers

Obvious statement alert! An integral part of making a film is finding and securing locations to shoot at. This process is called location scouting, and I'm told top-notch location scouts get paid upward of $3,000 a week** or more for their services.

That's a lot of money.

I don't know about you, but we certainly can't afford to forfeit our weekly coffee budget to pay some guy to drive around and take photos*.  As for scouting ourselves, we can barely afford the gas and time!  Enter Google Streetview.

From the comfort of your own slouchy desk chair, you can now walk the streets of nearly any city in the world. Again, this is nothing new, but think of the implications for filmmakers!

Hmm, if only I knew of a nice old farm to shoot at, preferably one where the home is up against the road - oh wait: there it is.

Hmm, if only I could find a cool-looking concrete-encased riverbed with a bridge over it - oh wait: there it is. 

Hmm, if only I could find a yard with a gigantic raw chicken in it - oh wait:

The list goes on. Technology can save indie filmmakers money AND enable them to stay slouched in their editing suites for even more time. And that's what filmmaking's all about: being creative.

*This is not an accurate summary of a professional location scout.

**I had first erroneously posted that the rate is upwards of $3K / DAY. Not so. That would be insane.

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